Contre le déclin des abeilles en France, les chercheurs ont peut-être trouvé une issue

December 8, 2016

Editor’s Note: Translation from the French original via Google Translate.

From: Le Huffington Post 

Against the decline of bees in France, the researchers may have found a way out

Annabel Benhaiem, Journaliste, Le Huffington Post

Parmi les causes du déclin des abeilles noires en Europe, on trouve le parasite Varroa, qui ressemble à un petit pou rond. [Blaine Franger]

ENVIRONMENT – Will bees win against mites? This long-term battle is on the way to finding a way out, revealed Thursday December 8 at the Anses International Scientific Meeting on Bee Health.

Among the causes of the decline of black bees in Europe is environmental pollution, of course, linked to agricultural activities using plant protection products, but also vectors of disease such as the Varroa parasite, which resembles a small pou pou rond.

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