Read About the Hero Scientists of USDA/Agricultural Research Service’s Beltsville Bee Lab

January 25, 2017

From: Bee Culture

Found in Translation: What’s Going On At The Beltsville Bee Lab?

By: Jay Evans

Practical research discoveries follow a twisting path. Basic research driven by the human need to understand nature can, often years or even decades later, lead to huge advances that benefit people or the environment. Alternatively, sure-thing tests of a new product, management strategy, or breeding scheme often fail at the last moment when applied to ‘real’ life. In the column ‘Found in Translation’, I want to describe success stories in translational bee research, projects where the toil of scientists has led to ‘news you can use’ as a beekeeper. These stories will come from university, government, or industry scientists in the worldwide bee research community who have made an important and practical discovery, or who have put pieces together from others’ research to make a substantial advance for the bee industry. While I promise not to over-rate home team advances by USDA, this first month I have the honor of introducing the scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service Bee Research Lab in Beltsville, MD and describing how they are working to address issues facing bees. Next month will begin explorations of impactful research from around the bee world.

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