North American Pollinator Protection Campaign Call for Research Proposals Related to Honey Bee Health

January 30, 2017

From: Bee Culture


The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) is seeking proposals for research related to improving the health of honey bees.  Proposals should focus on research to manage, suppress, and eradicate Varroa mites, small hive beetles, and other pests, pathogens, and diseases contributing to colony losses.  Summaries of previously funded projects can be found at Review and selection of proposals will be conducted by members of the Honey Bee Health Task Force.

Research Needs

We anticipate supporting several proposals, for a maximum of $10,000 for each individual proposal.  Students and post-doctoral research fellows are encouraged to apply.  Funds must be used within a one-year period.  Focused, targeted projects with a high likelihood of providing tangible results that can be applied to improving bee health are preferred.  Proposals providing valuable extensions of previously funded projects will be considered. Principal investigators of funded projects will be expected to present the results at the 2016 NAPPC meeting.  Conference travel and registration costs may be taken from the grant award.

Priority Areas

The Honey Bee Health Task Force has identified seven priority areas for funding, though other areas will be considered as well.

Effects of pathogens and pests on honey bee behavior, physiology and/or colony health; including the development of novel methods to mitigate these effects, such as RNAi technology.

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