To help bees and farmers, EU should roll back ‘fear-based’ ban on neonicotinoid pesticides

February 15, 2017

From: Genetic Literacy Project

[GLP Editor’s note: The following is a letter by David Zaruk, Belgian-based environmental-health journalist specializing in science and public policy, to Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU commissioner in charge of Health and Food Safety.]


You have clear grounds to [retract the 2013 draft Bee Guidance Document] It was never approved by the European Council (for good reason); [the European Food Safety Authority] has learnt that their expert advisory working group had conflicts of interest which they had hidden from the authority; and the previous DG Sanco had several directors that had been found to be too close to anti-pesticide activist campaigners.

On neonicotinoids, the activist Save-the-Bees campaigns have been full-frontal-fraudulent. They continue to claim that the bees are dying out due to pesticides (with no evidence), they are presenting an alternative to farming that will have serious consequences on food security and they are quite simply extorting donations with open lies at your expense.

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