Is post-Brexit Britain poised to embrace less political, more science-based approach to regulating pesticides?

March 29, 2017


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[GLP Editor’s note: The following is a briefing paper on bees and neonicotinoids by the House of Commons Library, a library and information resource of the lower house of the British Parliament.]


The UK government did not consider that the evidence merited this action, but abided by the restrictions, although its granting of emergency authorisations for neonicotinoid use in 2015 prompted concern in some quarters that it might seek to overturn the restrictions.


Further details of the UK government’s approach to agriculture – and more specifically to pesticide regulation – post-Brexit have yet to emerge but, before the referendum, farming minister George Eustice was reported as saying that the EU’s precautionary principle needed to be reformed in favour of a US style, risk-based approach, allowing faster authorisation of pesticides.

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