York County [PA] bee hives sweetened by STEM experiment

April 3, 2017

From: YDR.com

York Daily Record

A team of Harrisburg-area students brought powdered sugar and an infrared camera to a York County beekeeper’s hives in hopes of dislodging and counting varroa mites. Chris Dunn, York Daily Record


The students, ranging fromĀ fourth through ninth grades, are competing in FIRST LEGO League, a STEM-driven challengeĀ for which they identify and try to solve a real-world problem involving animals. After researching varroa mites, which plague bee colonies, the team hypothesized that forcing powdered sugar into a bee hive would irritate the mites off the honeybees and that they could use an infrared camera to detect displaced mites on the bee hive’s bottom board.


“I hope they’ll continue working with us even beyond the competition, and perhaps come up with something really useful,” Barnes said.

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