Paying the Price for the EU’s Disastrous Ban on Neonics

April 25, 2017

From: Risk-Monger

The European Commission asked its scientific arm, the Joint Research Centre, to study the effects on farmers from its disastrous 2013 precautionary ban on neonicotinoids. The JRC released its study in January and the Commission has refused to act on it or publish the results. Politico leaked a copy last week (see:…/uploads/…/04/JRC-study.pdf…) that shows how farmers are suffering, spraying crops more frequently with older, less effective pesticSee More


Part 2 of my assessment of the leaked EU Commission study on farming after neonics. . . .
As I read the pages of this internal study on the effects of the Commissions 2013 precautionary ban, I am beginning to realise what a tragic farce this has become. Tragic for farmers, tragic for the environment, tragic for bees. Because chemophobes seem to have influence in Juncker’s cabinet, the Commission is not releasing this publicly funded study.
See p 112:…/uploads/…/04/JRC-study.pdf…

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