Farmers urged to tell MPs, candidates and MEPs how neonicotinoids ban would affect their farm

April 28, 2017

Editor’s Note: The EU’s neonic ban has not helped Europe’s bees and is causing environmental catastrophe in Europe and beyond as conversion of land to agricultural uses increased to compensate for lost food production.

From: NFU Online | The Voice of British Farming


NFU Vice President Guy Smith said: “A blanket ban of neonicotinoids on outdoor crops would be devastating for farms across the country 1. The numbers of pests are rising across the country1 and dealing with these pressures is costly 2. Growing crops without these seed treatments could become very difficult.

“Neonicotinoid seed treatments form an incredibly important part of the integrated pest management approach which farmers adopt. I know it would make implementing this approach more difficult for farmers without these seed treatments.

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