Rep. Rodney Davis gets a closer look at pollinators during Champaign County visit

May 11, 2017


Chairman of a U.S. House Ag subcommittee learns about honey bee threats and their impact on the food supply at the home of the ‘World’s Best Tasting Honey.’

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, learns about Curtis Orchard’s award-winning honey from beekeeper Rachel Coventry. (Photo by Catrina Rawson)

Davis, R-Taylorville, visited Curtis Orchard in Champaign County to learn about pollinators, their habitats and the pests and diseases leading to their demise. Davis serves as chairman of a U.S. House Agriculture Committee subcommittee, which addresses pollinator issues, among other things.


Rachel Coventry, Curtis Orchard’s beekeeper, said the varroa destructor mite remains her biggest problem. It’s considered the world’s most devastating pest of western honey bees, according to the University of Florida.

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