VARROA, VARROA, VARROA! Not Neonicotinoids

May 16, 2017

From: American Bee Journal

The Classroom – May 2017

Jerry Hayes – (excerpt)



I wrote you earlier in the year and asked you your opinion about why my bees died. I was positive that it was some kind of pesticide exposure from farmers around me late last year that showed up under winter conditions. You asked me about sampling and treating for mites and what did I use and did I sample after to see what the count was to see if the treatment worked. The state bee inspector came out and took samples and sent them off to the USDA Lab to be analyzed. The report just came back and I had 33.9 mites per hundred bees. As much as I hate to admit it, you were right. Just wanted to let you know.

Someplace in the Midwest

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