Public Comments and New Data to Inform EPA’s Understanding of Neonic Risks and Benefits

November 6, 2017


Neonicotinoids Status Update

Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee, November 1-2, 2017

Session 5e: Status Update on Neonicotinoids


Results from the preliminary pollinator assessments show:

• Potential on-field risk from some use patterns appear to be low

o Based on attractiveness to bees and agronomic practices

o Includes seed treatment uses

• Potential on-field risk from some use patterns remain uncertain: more data (to be reviewed in 2017-18) and further analysis will reduce these uncertainties

o Includes soil uses

• Potential on-field risk from some use patterns

o Includes foliar uses

• EPA intends to review public comments and new data to better inform its understanding of risks and benefits from uses that result in potential risks of concern

Read Complete Status Update


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