European Union Delays Protecting Bees in Its Rush to Ban Neonics

November 15, 2017

Editor’s Note: The EU’s decision to delay it’s risk assessment of neonicotinoids in order to first ban neonics recalls the Red Queen’s statement in Alice in Wonderland, ‘Sentence first — verdict afterwards.’ In light of the environmental devastation being wrought by the current EU neonic restrictions, it’s worth recalling Alice’s retort to the Red Queen, “Stuff and nonsense!” In the United States, the Data Quality Act prevents stuff and nonsense from becoming the basis of environmental policy.



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What about the bees? The Action Plan on Nature was initially expected to include initiatives to protect bees, but the measure was delayed partly because it’s closely linked to the ban of neonicotinoids, pesticides accused of killing bees, being worked on by the Commission’s agriculture department. The plan could suffer further delay after Europe’s food safety watchdog said Tuesday that it would delay its assessment on the pesticide’s risks to bees, initially expected for the end of the year, until February.

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