Lawyers, NGOs & Politics Usurp Science in Agricultural Policy Around the World: The European Union’s Neonicotinoid Ban May Not Stop in Europe

November 20, 2017

Editor’s Note: It is “the global trade in honey bees and migratory beekeeping practices within countries,” not neonics, that poses the greatest threat to bees. See here and here.

From: EcoJustice

Bees v. government & industry, round two

Charles Hatt, Lawyer


This case is an example of the great endurance litigation demands. Thanks to your support, we’ve not only been able to launch this lawsuit, but we’ve been able to successfully resist repeated attempts to block our clients – and pollinators – from getting their day in court. Thank you!

When our lawsuit it is finally heard, it could set an important precedent that would force Canada to take a more precautionary and science-driven approach to pesticide regulation.

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