Populism Beats Out Science in UK Neonic Debate

November 28, 2017

From: Spalding Today

Will Gove be good for farmers?

Farmer RICHARD BARLOW considers the future for farmers post-Brexit


Michael Gove, is obviously an intelligent and ambitious Secretary of State, responsible for the environment, food and rural affairs. Whether he will be good for farming is yet to be seen. The correct decisions are not always the most popular, but will his pursuit of higher office mean he takes the populist route too often?

He has said that decisions on farming methods need to be science based (contrary to many agricultural decisions coming out of the EU). He is using science in his support for the continued use of glyphosate (Roundup), but last week went the populist route with agreeing to ban neonicotinoids in seed dressings, even on non-flowering crops. Sugar beet is going to be seriously compromised, and much more damaging crop spraying with non-specific insecticides will be the result.

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