“populism and political polarisation are endangering the acceptance of modern science”

January 8, 2018

From: Fruitnet.com

Bayer steps up insecticide game

Group inaugurates new greenhouse for insecticide research in North Rhine-Westphalia

Carl Collen


Backhaus stressed the need for societal support for industrial research. “We are living in times in which populism and political polarisation are endangering the acceptance of modern science,” said Backhaus, citing recent emotionally charged campaigns such as the one against important insecticidal substance classes like the neonicotinoids, the debate surrounding the reauthorisation of glyphosate and the media response to reports on the decline in insect populations in some parts of Germany.

“Insects are of huge significance to Bayer due to their important role as pollinators of many crops,” he continued. “Our task is to engage the public in an open and transparent dialogue about the innovative solutions that we at Bayer are developing to improve the quality of human life and thus bridge the gap between producers and consumers.”

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