The greenwashing of Theresa May

January 11, 2018

From: Politico (Europe)

UK prime minister’s environment speech is part of a concerted push to lure young voters with new eco-friendly policies.



The Tory fear of appearing “un-green” and uncaring about animal welfare and wildlife (both matters close to the hearts of British voters) was palpable. Now Gove, a leading figure in the campaign to leave the EU, is working overtime to assert the party’s green credentials all over again — an effort that Downing Street hopes will not only help woo younger voters, but also demonstrate a significant upside to Brexit.

Gove has re-cast himself as an eco-warrior — backing a ban on insect-harming neonicotinoid pesticides, supporting the reintroduction of beavers to the British countryside, and announcing a ban on ivory sales to fight elephant poaching.

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