Observations: SAP Meeting September 12

September 12, 2012

The  SAP most certainly was presented with a number of challenges.


First  we remind our readers that these very talented individuals donate their time and expertise over a long period of time. In doing so, one would not expect that they would be subject to the rudeness displayed by the presenter from the Center for Food Safety.


We subsequently learned that the presenter was an attorney not a scientist so as they often say in the great city of New Orleans, you can put lipstick  on a pig but it is still a pig.


It appears that the Krupke  study is getting more recognition  than it deserves and it might be appropriate for others to review the study in detail.


 We noted the observations from speakers that the assumptions underlying the entire process were extremely conservative with the end result that the resultant work product might not be capable of identifying the causes of the greatest risks to bees.


Also noted was the fact that any studies used by the SAP which were ultimately going to form the foundation for a regulatory action by EPA  had to be compliant with the Data Quality Act.

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