Observations: SAP Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 13, 2012


Sitting through hours of informed discussions, one has to be impressed with the very extensive body of research dedicated to bees. It is also obvious that if one is going to wade into this pool it is best they do their homework.


Dr. Potter opined that there is a need for a reassessment of alternative pathways such as drinking water and dust. He appeared to question the usefulness of high levels of loadings for input evaluation.


Dr. Pettis commented on how to incorporate queens into Tier I tests and concluded, in our opinion, that standardized tests are not presently available.


There appears to be a data quality issue dealing with replicating test data on a wide range of endpoints.


There was a substantive disagreement among panel members with respect to being able to replicate PER tests in the Tier I Testing regime.


Finally, and most importantly, consistent with the views of CRE and after an extensive discussion,  it was revealed that pathogens and antibiotics were present in royal jelly in addition to the possibility of pesticides.


We encourage our readers to add their views and to correct any of our misstatements.

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