CRE Comments on the European Food Safety Authority Risk Assessment on Bees

October 26, 2012

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE) recently submitted comments to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on its Draft Guidance Document on the Risk Assessment of Plant Protection Products on Bees.

In its comments, the CRE concluded that EFSA’s initiative to address the problem of limited data regarding pollinator exposure under its current approach to risk assessment by incorporating external datasets, is a model to be emulated by the EPA and other government regulators.  The CRE encourages EFSA to continue to work with stakeholders to harness the resources of the private sector by incorporating existing research and datasets into the modeling of its risk assessment framework.

Further, the EPA should follow the guidance set forth by EFSA and rely on existing empirical data  for pollen and nectar residue as it applies to foliar spray application of pesticides.

Instead of relying on existing data, the EPA currently uses the T-REX model to develop the RUDs for its risk assessment.

The comments are available in their entirety here: EFSA Draft Guidance on Risk Assessment for Bees – Center for Regulatory Effectiveness Comments

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