Search Results Archives: January 2012

January 9, 2012

Regulatory Analysis and the Affordable Care Act’s Interim Final Rules — Beware the Rush to Presumption

Editor’s Note:  Five related Mercatus publications by Christopher J. Conover and Jerry Ellig are attached below:  Beware the Rush to Presumption, Parts A-C; The Poor Quality of Affordable Care Act Regulations; and Rushed Regulation Reform.

From:  Mercatus Center, George Mason University

Beware the Rush to Presumption

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 is generating numerous new regulations that will significantly affect the way Americans access health care. But a new study by Jerry Ellig of the Mercatus Center and Christopher Conover of Duke University finds that in 2010, in the rush to implement key regulations for the ACA, agencies sped through the process of regulatory analysis. When compared to regulatory analysis for economically significant regulations in previous years, the regulatory analysis accompanying the ACA rules was substantially lower quality and produced poorly substantiated claims about the ACA’s benefits and costs.

January 6, 2012

NRC to review regulations for reactors at Oyster Creek


LACEY — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has agreed with environmentalists to review its regulations concerning General Electric Mark 1 reactors, which is the type used at the Oyster Creek Generating Station in the township.

An NRC safety panel posted notice on its Federal Register website Monday accepting a request by three environmental groups and includes 8,000 petitioners, to review whether approvals by the agency issued in 1989; concerning reactor venting systems at General Electric Mark I reactors should be revoked.

The reactor is also the same type that was in operation at the Fukushima, Japan, nuclear power plant which suffered a meltdown and fire last March.

January 4, 2012

The Keystone Pipeline: The Mirage of Jobs

From: OMB Watch

Last week, Congressional Republicans slipped provisions into a payroll tax bill that would try to force the President to make an early decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project. Under the bill, President Obama would face a 60-day deadline to rule on the project, which has not yet received the legally required economic, environmental and safety reviews.

Though Congressional Republicans claim the project would create jobs, the Keystone XL is not the job-creation panacea it’s being made out to be. In fact, the Keystone project could actually cost taxpayers jobs.