Search Results Archives: March 2014

March 31, 2014

Electronic logging device rule proposal published, comment period ends May 27

From: CCJ

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s latest attempt at an electronic logging device mandate has been published in the Federal Register as a Supplemental Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, and the agency will accept public comment on the proposed rule for 60 days.

FMCSA announced the rule March 13 and released the 250-page document. Click here to see CCJ’s prior coverage for an in-depth look at what’s included in the rule.

The rule, when made final, will require all truck drivers who currently must keep records of duty status to use an electronic logging device, formerly known as electronic onboard recorders.

March 25, 2014

Draft Water Rule Harmful to Co-ops


By Cathy Cash | ECT Staff Writer

In a move that would hurt electric cooperatives’ operations and their bottom lines, a draft proposed rule could subject nearly all bodies of water to Clean Water Act requirements, according to NRECA.

NRECA is advocating that the Obama administration turn back the proposal.

“Such an expansion of Clean Water Act rules would have significant impacts on co-ops by increasing the number and costs of permits needed for distribution and transportation corridor construction and maintenance and substations,” said Kirk Johnson, NRECA senior vice president, government relations.

Effort to keep seamless DMF access continues

From: LifeHealthPro


Users of the Social Security Death Master File, including insurers, and employer and retirement industry organizations, are putting on a strong push for interested parties to send letters to the Department of Commerce (DOC) urging prompt action on an interim rule that will ensure access to the DMF for legitimate users while the agency crafts final rules providing a certification process to the data.

March 18, 2014

OMB Begins Review of Long-Delayed Revisions to Hazardous Waste Exemptions

From: Bloomberg/BNA

By Anthony Adragna

March 17 –The White House Office of Management and Budget began its review March 15 of a long-delayed proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency that would revise a 2008 Bush-era rule exempting certain recycled materials from hazardous waste regulation, according to OMB’s website.

If finalized, the July 2011 proposed rule would promote greater accountability and oversight of hazardous materials under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, according to the EPA, while also ensuring continued economic and environmental benefits through recycling.

March 6, 2014

White House under pressure on ‘Waters of the U.S.’ rule

From: Politico


WHITE HOUSE FEELING PRESSURE ON ‘WATERS OF U.S.’ RULE: The agriculture industry has been watching EPA closely in recent months for any sign of what the agency might do with its proposed Clean Water Act rule, which would define, for permitting purposes, “Waters of the U.S.”  It was sent to the White House for review in mid-September.

March 5, 2014

Produce Movement Rule Heads to OMB

From: Politico/Morning Agriculture

PRODUCE MOVEMENT RULE HEADS TO OMB: USDA quietly sent its proposed performance standards for the importation and interstate movement of produce to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review late last week, signaling a rule could be released in the next few months. The proposal seeks to expand upon existing regulations governing the importation of produce to apply to all new fruits and vegetables through a notice-based process, according to the Fall 2013 Unified Agenda that detailed USDA’s plan. It aims to streamline the process for allowing produce not currently authorized for import, but still allow USDA to act quickly in the event of a foreign pest or disease outbreak.