Search Results Archives: December 2015

December 31, 2015

Law Provides New Regulatory Framework for Space Commerce

From: RegBlog


Last month, President Obama signed into law the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act of 2015, also known as the SPACE Act. The law is designed to foster growth in the nascent commercial space industry in areas such as mining and tourism, as well as streamline space regulations.


Other provisions of the SPACE Act are aimed at creating a better framework for regulating satellites. One section requires several agencies, including NASA and the Department of Transportation, to work together to study the satellite traffic control system and develop recommendations for Congress on improving the system. A different section would require the Secretary of Commerce to report on the types of commercial satellites that they license and recommend statutory changes to improve the licensing system.

December 30, 2015

Benefits of the TPP

Editor’s Note: For more information on TPP and regulation, see here.

From: Good Fruit Grower

Eliminating tariff rates on tree fruit is a trade policy objective of the Northwest Horticultural Council. TPP furthers this objective.

by Mark Powers, Executive Vice President of the Northwest Horticultural Council


In addition to the United States, the Trans-Pacific Partnership includes Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. These 12 countries represent 40 percent of the global economy.


December 29, 2015

Wave of regulation looms in 2016

From: The Hill

By Lydia Wheeler

President Obama is preparing to unleash a wave of new regulations in 2016 as he looks to shore up his legacy on public protection issues during his final year in office.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Labor are all expected to finalize major federal rules that critics say are long overdue. The regulations include a final rule from the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law that will force companies to compare the paychecks of their top executives with company performance, final rules for cigars and electronic cigarettes proposed well over a year ago, and a final regulation to protect constructions workers from deadly silica dust.

December 28, 2015

OSHA final rule on silica goes to OMB for review

From: Safety+Health

Washington – OSHA has sent a draft of its final rule on silica to the Office of Management and Budget, one of the final steps in a process that will lead to the publication of the long-awaited standard.

Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez made the announcement Dec. 21 during a conference call with stakeholders. “Current standards that we have are more than 40 years old. They have been inadequate in protecting workers,” Perez said.

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December 24, 2015

Engaging the International Community on Cybersecurity Standards

Editor’s Note: Promoting and ensuring federal use of voluntary consensus standards whenever practical for regulatory and procurement purposes is a long-standing OMB responsibility. See, CRE’s white paper, Market-Driven Consortia, Implications for the FCC’s Cable Access Proceeding.

From: The White House

by J. Michael Daniel

December 23, 2015

OSHA rule yanked back

From: Politico | Morning Shift

OSHA RULE YANKED BACK: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration on Monday withdrew from the White House Office of Management and Budget a final rule intended to prevent injuries from slips, trips and falls, according to Safety and Health Magazine. The regulation, in the works for twenty-five years, went to OMB on July 2. . . .

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December 22, 2015

Canada Implements a Regulatory Budget, Early Lessons Learned

From: Mercatus Center | George Mason University

Regulatory Reform: Lessons from Canada

By Laura Jones

Earlier this year, Canada made news when it became the first country in the world to legislate a hard cap on regulations. It’s a move that may surprise Americans who see Canada as a country that embraces, for better or worse, bigger government. The new federal law requires that for every new regulation introduced, one of equivalent burden must be removed. Remarkably, the legislation had nearly unanimous support.

December 18, 2015

Silica rule to OMB by Christmas

From: Politico

December 17, 2015

Sleep apnea ‘pre-rule’ advances to OMB, could be published by year’s end

From: CCJ

James Jaillet

A data collection effort by the U.S. DOT intended to gauge how many truck operators have obstructive sleep apnea and what impact a sleep apnea rule could have on the industry has taken a step forward in the federal rulemaking process and could be published by year’s end.

The federal regulatory dashboard says the White House’s Office of Management and Budget received the so-deemed “pre-rule” from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on Tuesday, Dec. 15.

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December 14, 2015

Carrier scoring Safety Fitness Determination rule ready for publication following OMB clearance

Editor’s Note: The FMCSA’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability ratings are subject to the Data Quality Act. Concern over CSA rankings are part of the larger issue of inaccuracies and misleading data in federal databases.  See here.

From: CCJ

A proposed federal rule that would give the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration another means to score and target unsafe carriers has cleared the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. The so-called Safety Fitness Determination rule cleared the OMB late last week and is now in the hands of the DOT, ready for publication as a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking when it chooses.