Search Results Archives: March 2016

March 31, 2016

OMB receives EPA final draft formaldehyde regulation

From: Woodworking Network

By Karl D. Forth

In what marks a major step forward, the U.S. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at the Office of Management (OMB) announced yesterday it received EPA’s revised draft formaldehyde emissions regulation for final review.


During its review period, OMB will meet with key stakeholders for input that may inform any final comments back to EPA. CPA will request a meeting to reinforce industry’s position on points raised during the comment period.  CPA will also work closely with allied associations to coordinate key messages.

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March 18, 2016

EPA Wasn’t Available To Defend Its Own Weird Regulations On Race Cars

From: Black Flag

Stef Schrader


A few weeks ago, the Specialty Equipment Marketing Association (an aftermarket trade group most often abbreviated as SEMA) kicked off this whole debate after noticing several changes in the Clean Air Act. The regulations—which didn’t even seem entirely clear to the EPA—sought to clarify that road cars converted into race cars still had to adhere to their original road-car emissions standards.

Ouch. He has a point, though. If you’re arguing for additional restrictions on an entire industry, you better be able to back the point of doing so up with facts and data. Otherwise, everything you say will be ripped apart by industry representatives and lobbyists.

March 17, 2016

Agencies Convene Second Meeting On Modernizing Regulatory System For Biotechnology Products

From: The National Law Review


March 16, 2016

DOL, OMB May Blunt Fiduciary Rule, Delay It Until Late May




OMB will use the extra 30 days because of the importance of the regulation and the number of parties participating in its appraisal, the source said. During the review period, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) division of OMB consults with DOL and other White House entities such as at the Council of Economic Advisors, National Economic Council, and Domestic Policy Council.

These parties analyze possible impacts of the regulation and negotiate proposed changes before the rule is finalized. OIRA will adjudicate the comments from the other White House entities before approving the final regulation.

March 14, 2016

Here’s Why a New Regulation Could Mean Trouble

From: TheBlaze

Here’s Why a New Obama Regulation Could Mean Trouble for Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman


The rule is currently under review by the White House Office of Management and Budget and could take effect as early as next month. President Barack Obama first proposed the rule in April 2015.


However, the proposed rule doesn’t just require disclosure of third-party payers but also expands the definition of a fiduciary, while also getting involved in an area previously reserved for the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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March 7, 2016

Arkansas AG Rutledge Speaks Against Government Overreach During Fort Smith Chamber Breakfast

From: Times Record

By Justin Bates

Rutledge has joined attorneys general from 12 other states to oppose President Barack Obama’s proposed Persuader Advice Exemption Rule, which, she said, could force small businesses to disclose communications with outside counsel in labor relations matters.

The attorneys general submitted a letter dated Feb. 4 to Howard Shelanski, Obama’s administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, which stated that the rule would inflict harm on small business.

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March 6, 2016

Regulatory Cost Assessment Act of 2014

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (12/08/2014)   Senator Mike Lee    S. 2988

Regulatory Cost Assessment Act of 2014 – Amends the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to establish and enforce a federal regulatory budget.

Requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to submit jointly to the President and Congress an analysis of the cost and economic effects of federal regulations, including recommendations for improvements to the regulatory budgeting process.

Requires CBO to submit: (1) a baseline projecting the federal regulatory cost over at least five fiscal years, (2) analysis of the regulatory cost of legislation reported by congressional committees, and (3) look-back reviews comparing CBO estimates with actual costs.

A Broad Base of Support for a Regulatory Budget

12/18/2019  American Action Forum—The Outlook for Regulatory Reform

12/04/2019  Brookings—The limits of thinking of a regulatory budget like a fiscal budget

11/12/2019  American Action Forum—A Busy, Costly Week

05/10/2019  Competitive Enterprise Institute—VIDEO: Report Card on Regulatory Reform

04/19/2019  American Action Forum—Checking in on Regulatory Budgets

04/19/2019  American Action Forum—White House war on regulations poised to pass goal ‘more than 31 times’

04/18/2019  American Action Forum—A Mid-Fiscal Year Review and Projection of the Regulatory Budget

03/20/219  and We must shine the spotlight on regulation

March 4, 2016

EEOC Proposes To Collect New Data On Pay

From: Williams & Jensen

By Shane Doucet and Michael Kans

As part of the Obama Administration’s initiative to advance equal pay policies, on January 29, 2016, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) released a proposal that would expand the information many private entities must report to the EEOC. Specifically, the proposed revision would require all employers with 100 or more employees (both private industry and federal contractors) to collect and report data on pay and hours-worked. . . .

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