Search Results Archives: January 2017

January 27, 2017

US Mine Safety Health Administration’s Newly-Issued Workplace Examination Rule Withdrawn Pending OMB Review and Approval

From: The National Law Review

Article By Anne D. Harrington | Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP

In the final days of the Obama Administration, the US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) released the much anticipated “Examinations of Working Places in Metal and Nonmetal Mines” final rule amending 30 CFR Sections 56.18002 and 57.18002.  The final rule was published in the Federal Register on January 23, 2017 with an effective date of May 23, 2017 notwithstanding a broad regulatory freeze affecting all federal agencies issued on January 20, 2017 by President Trump’s Chief of Staff.

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January 23, 2017

Trump to Sign Executive Order on Plan to Renegotiate NAFTA With Mexico, Canada

From: NBC News

President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order as early as Monday stating his intention to renegotiate the free trade agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico, a White House official told NBC News.

Eliminating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was crafted by former President Bill Clinton and enacted in 1994, was a frequent Trump campaign promise.

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January 20, 2017

Agencies rush to publish rules before Trump takes office

From: The Hill


On the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration, federal agencies are racing to publish rules before the president-elect institutes a regulatory moratorium.

The Federal Register was overwhelmed Thursday with nearly 1,500 pages worth of rules from federal agencies. Miriam Kleiman, a spokeswoman for the Federal Register, described it as “one of the largest ever” editions of the government’s rule book.

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January 18, 2017

Mine Inspection Rule Inches Forward Despite Industry Opposition

From: Bloomberg/Occupational Safety and Health Reporter™

By Stephen Lee


The rule (RIN:1219-AB87) would require metal and nonmetal mine operators to examine their facilities and fix problems before a shift begins. The current rule lets operators examine mines during a shift when workers may already be active in unsafe conditions.

On Jan. 11, the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs finished its review of the proposal and sent it back to the Mine Safety and Health Administration.

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January 17, 2017

Department of Education Rules: The Arts Don’t Pay Enough, Teaching Them is Prohibited

Editor’s Note: Cross-posted from the Federal Financial Forum.

From: Education Santa Fe New Mexican

Harvard program caught in for-profit regulation list

By Kevin Carey, The New York Times


The Harvard program is run by the ART Institute at Harvard University (ART stands for American Repertory Theater). It’s a small program, admitting about two dozen students each year into “a full-time, two-year program of graduate study in acting, dramaturgy or voice pedagogy.” On average, graduates earn about $36,000 per year.


January 11, 2017

Retired Vicar Wins UK Data Quality Act Case Against Friends of the Earth

From: Sp!ked

Fracking is the future

We need to remake the case for progress and plenty.

Andy Shaw, writer

A retired vicar from Lancashire, Reverend Michael Roberts, has scored a small victory for human progress. He challenged the myths promoted by environmentalist campaigners, Friends of the Earth (FoE), and won.

The battle began when Roberts happened upon an FoE leaflet, which fell out of his copy of Private Eye. It claimed that hydraulic fracturing to extract shale gas (fracking) caused serious harm to people’s health. Roberts teamed up with retired physics teacher Ken Wilkinson to submit a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Together, they challenged FoE’s claims that fracking poisons water supplies, causes cancer and destroys the countryside. The ASA found that the claims were contradicted by the wealth of evidence available, and ordered FoE not to repeat them.

January 10, 2017

White House Takes Final Steps to Revamp “The Common Rule” Medical Research Rule

From: BNA

By Jeannie Baumann

The final revisions to human research regulations arrived at the OMB, an indication that the first-ever overhaul of the so-called Common Rule will likely be released before President Barack Obama leaves office Jan. 20.


No Guarantees

The OMB Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has up to 90 days to review the final rule, so there is no guarantee a new Common Rule will move forward by Jan. 20. The OIRA/OMB review is the last required step before final rules can be published in the Federal Register, Gary Chadwick, a senior consultant with HRP Consulting Group, told Bloomberg BNA. Chadwick previously served as the associate director for human subject protections for both the OHRP and the FDA.