Search Results Archives: September 2017

September 20, 2017

Trump administration prepares to ease export rules for U.S. guns

From: Reuters (Exclusive)

Mike Stone, Matt Spetalnick


The officials from multiple agencies, speaking on condition of anonymity, say the new rules will cut government red tape and regulatory costs, boosting U.S. exports of small arms and creating jobs at home.


The administration has all but finalized a draft of the new rules, which could be sent to the White House budget office for review within days, one U.S. official said.

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September 18, 2017

Opponents sharpen knives over impending U.S. payday loan rule

Editor’s Note: The CFPB is fully subject to the Data Quality Act. See here and here for examples.

From: Reuters

Lisa Lambert

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September 7, 2017

Is NIH Red Tape Threatening Medical Research?

From: Nature

Brain researchers in uproar over NIH clinical-trials policy

An open letter to the US National Institutes of Health says that classifying human-behaviour studies as clinical trials creates unnecessary red tape.

Sara Reardon


An open letter posted to an online petition site on 31 August and addressed to NIH director Francis Collins on says that the policy could “unnecessarily increase the administrative burden on investigators”, slowing the pace of discovery in basic research. It asked the NIH to delay implementation of the policy until it has consulted with the behavioural-science and neuroscience communities. The letter has so far garnered more than 2,700 signatures.