Search Results Archives: October 2017

October 26, 2017

White House reviewing proposal to kill Obama rule on workers’ tips

From: The Hill


A Labor Department proposal to kill an Obama-era rule preventing employers from pooling workers’ tips is now under White House review.

The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) received the proposed rule from the Labor Department on Tuesday according to the list of regulations under review.

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October 25, 2017

United States should dramatically retool animal research rules, groups say

From: Science

By Warren Cornwall

For years, scientists and universities have complained about the patchwork of U.S. regulations governing the welfare of animals used in research. Studies involving rabbits and larger mammals, for example, are overseen chiefly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, D.C. Federally funded studies of rats, mice, and birds are subject to different rules and a different overseer, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. Many privately funded animal studies, meanwhile, get relatively little federal oversight. “It’s a crazy quilt,” says Ross McKinney, chief science officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) in Washington, D.C.

October 18, 2017

Front Line: A Federal Attempt to Streamline the Permitting Process

From: Area Development

With the realization that major infrastructure projects are critical to economic development, the federal government is attempting to streamline the environmental permitting process.

Tom Ewing, Staff Editor, Area Development


In August, the President moved directly on streamlining, issuing Executive Order (EO) 13807 — “Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects.” The focus is on major infrastructure, i.e., projects reviewed by multiple agencies, requiring an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).


October 12, 2017

HHS seeks Common Rule delay as informatics researchers await final rule

From: FierceHealthcare

by Evan Sweeney

The Office of Management and Budget is reviewing a proposed one-year delay for updates to the Common Rule that have been in limbo since the Trump administration took office.


OMB indicated it is reviewing a proposal from the Department of Health and Human Services that would delay implementation for one year “while allowing the use of three burden-reducing provisions during the delay year.” The review was first reported by Politico.

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October 11, 2017

Trump Begins Repeal of Obama Power Plant Emission Cuts

From: Bloomberg

By Jennifer A Dlouhy

  • EPA is poised to argue Clean Power Plan exceeds legal limits
  • Public will be invited to offer ideas for replacement rule


For instance, the Coalition for Innovative Climate Solutions, which represents electric generating companies, has asked administration officials for a replacement rule that would provide “regulatory certainty” and “accommodate the broad diversity in state” energy portfolios.

The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has been vetting the EPA’s repeal proposal since June.

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