Search Results Archives: May 2018

May 29, 2018

White House Opens Public Comment Period Seeking To Harmonize Shipping Regulations

From: Mondaq

J. Michael CavanaughEric LeeChristopher DeLacy and Daniel L. Burkard | Holland & Knight


  • The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) is soliciting public comment on ways to reduce regulatory costs and restrictions on the U.S. maritime industry.
  • For maritime industry stakeholders, the government’s interest in harmonizing the numerous regulatory schemes impacting the industry is long overdue, and the announcement appears to be a positive sign for maritime industry members intending to leverage technology to improve service.
  • Comments from maritime industry stakeholders are due on or before July 16, 2018.

May 25, 2018

Trump Orders Overhaul of Commercial Space Licensing

From: Weekly Standard


The policy directive calls on the Transportation and Commerce departments to make reforms that would encourage commercial space innovation.

May 24, 2018

Supersonic flight in America is getting closer to becoming a reality

From: Business Insider | India


  • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is creating new regulations for supersonic aircraft.
  • The first regulation would “accommodate noise certification of new supersonic aircraft,” the agency said on the website for the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
  • The second would make it easier to get approval to test supersonic aircraft, Bloombergreports.
  • Supersonic flight is not allowed over land in the US due to the disruptive sonic boom the aircraft produces.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is creating new regulations for supersonic aircraft that could help give the industry a boost. 

May 22, 2018

White House Seeks Input on U.S. Shipping Regulations

From: The Maritime Executive 


The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs is soliciting public input on ways to reduce regulatory costs and restrictions on the American maritime industry. In particular, it is asking for recommendations regarding merchant ships and opportunities for “increased regulatory cooperation between the United States and foreign partners, especially Canada and Mexico.”

Consistent with President Donald Trump’s focus on deregulation, OIRA is gathering comments on how “agency requirements affecting the maritime sector can be modified or repealed to increase efficiency, reduce or eliminate unnecessary or unjustified regulatory burdens, or simplify regulatory requirements,” subject to statutory limitations. The request for information will be used to inform other agencies’ reform proposals.

May 18, 2018

US EPA eyes proposal on costs and benefits of rules

Editor’s Note: Additional information about the rulemaking is available here.

From: Chemical Watch

The US EPA is working on a proposal to address how it weighs costs and benefits in its regulations.

According to its website, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is conducting a standard interagency review of the proposal, “Increasing consistency and transparency in considering costs and benefits in the rulemaking process”. Its status is listed as “prerule stage”.

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May 15, 2018

Anticipated timing for Treasury regulations on several TCJA international provisions

Editor’s Note: See also OMB Review of IRS Regulations.

From: EY Tax News Update

Two recent releases provide an update on the timing for guidance on the international provisions included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). The OMB Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) Spring Agenda lists numerous planned Treasury regulations, including several on international TCJA provisions, and also includes anticipated timelines for the projects.

Regulatory projects listed in the OIRA Spring Agenda include:

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May 11, 2018

FDA’s Unified Agenda Practices Call Into Question Document’s Usefulness

From: FDA Week

Nicholas Florko


Bruce Levinson, senior vice president of regulatory intervention at the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, was hesitant to criticize FDA’s practices — adding that, “as a regulatory reform advocate, my first take is to be pleased,” given a number of recent changes to the unified agenda under Trump.

He noted that OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which oversees the unified agenda, sent a memo to federal agencies in March 2017 directing them to remove any items on the agenda that realistically will not be completed within 12 months.

May 9, 2018

DHS Moves One Step Closer to Rescinding International Entrepreneur Rule

Editor’s Note: For the future of entrepreneurship-based immigration, see CRE Petitions DHS for Rulemaking to Reform the EB-5 Program to Create Jobs in Rural America & Areas of High Unemployment.

From: Ogletree Deakins

Authors: Melissa Manna (Raleigh), Rebecca L. Sigmund (Greenville)

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has taken the first step on its path to rescinding the International Entrepreneur Rule (IER), a program that allows qualifying foreign entrepreneurs an opportunity to stay in the United States while building start-up businesses. The proposed rescission cleared the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) on May 2, 2018. DHS is expected to publish a formal notice of the rule in the Federal Register in the coming weeks.

May 3, 2018

Net Neutrality: The Complicated Reason the FCC Hasn’t Repealed It Yet

From: Inverse

Bureaucracy + Divided Congress = Nothing Happens

By Grace Lisa Scott


Technically, We Still Have “Net Neutrality” — For Now

As Democrats and activists rally the troops, it’s important to point out that the “Restore Internet Freedom” plan, as it’s been inaccurately titled, has not actually happened yet. The plan, which opens the door for internet service providers to conduct blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization of internet content, was slated to be a done deal on April 23; two months after it was published in the Federal Register. But Pai has left large portions of the plan in need of approval of the Office of Budget Management before it can take effect. Because the Pai is asking for transparency from ISPs about their business practices under the new plan, the changes need to be reviewed by the OMB before they can move forward. And we don’t know when that will be.