Search Results Archives: July 2019

July 18, 2019

Facebook’s Crypto Woes Deepen as Mnuchin Joins Parade of Critics

From: Bloomberg

  • Treasury Secretary says he has serious concerns about coin
  • Facebook executive says crypto won’t launch without approvals

By  and 


Marcus said the token won’t launch until regulatory questions are fully addressed and he added that Facebook will get “appropriate approvals.” He said the coin isn’t isn’t intended to compete with countries’ sovereign currencies and won’t interfere with central banks on monetary policy.

July 10, 2019

How FDA is Regulating E-Cigarettes

From: FDA

By: Ned Sharpless, M.D., Acting Commissioner


Under the PMTA pathway, FDA evaluates a new tobacco product based on whether it is appropriate for the protection of the public health. Scientific evaluation considers the risks and benefits of the product for the whole population, including users and non-users. These data should show the increased or decreased likelihood that current tobacco users will stop using certain products, as well as the increased or decreased likelihood that non-users will start using the products.

Before and After OIRA Review Versions Provided for Proposed GILTI Regs

From: Taxnotes

Citations: REG-101828-19

SUMMARY BY TAX ANALYSTSThe following text is an unofficial redline comparison of proposed regulations (REG-101828-19) that provide guidance on stock ownership rules and global intangible low-taxed income and a draft versionof the regs before they were submitted for review by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.




See complete document (paywall)