OMB Requests Plans for Job Competition
OMB has requested that agencies develop plans to allow contractors to bid on federal jobs from now through 2008. In recent years, most agencies have received “yellow,” or ‘average,’ ratings from OMB regarding their competitive sourcing – signaling room for improvement. OMB hopes the new round of plans will yield more "green" ratings.
“"OMB will assess a plan's effectiveness in a manner that accounts for the agency's unique mission and workforce needs as well as the agency's demonstrated ability to conduct reviews and competitions in a reasonable and responsible banner," [OMB Deputy Director for Management Clay] Johnson wrote.”
“In the "green" plans, OMB expects agencies to craft a schedule for competing jobs deemed suitable for competition, a subset of the roughly 850,000 positions that by law could be performed by contractors. In an October report, OMB found that 434,820 jobs are ripe for competition.”
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