OMB To Release Competitive Sourcing Data Soon
Later this month, OMB will try to move the discussion surrounding competitive sourcing from a debate about anecdotes to one about data. Each federal agency has been collecting information about the competitive sourcing program, and OMB’s report will be the first to shed light on the efficiency and value of the controversial new initiative.
"There's a lot of misunderstanding on competitive sourcing," [Clay] Johnson [deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget] said. "There soon will be more facts on the table for us to have more meaningful conversations.”
“Chip Mather, senior vice president of Acquisition Solutions Inc., said gathering relevant data is the foundation of performance-based acquisitions and competitive sourcing, each of which aim to improve government performance.
"It's the whole premise of performance-based, having those measures and metrics to tell you how well you've done," Mather said.“
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