OMB: Grants.gov Funding
OMB officials have issued a funding formula stating how much money federal agencies should contribute to the internet site Grants.gov for the next two years. The goal of OMB is to make it easy for agencies to transfer to the fee-for-service model.
"Agencies should plan to transfer their FY 2005 funding within a month after the enactment of their FY 2005 appropriation."
“The transition of Grants.gov from development to utilization continues this goal of maximizing resources to achieve more effective results," states the memo, sent by OMB's controller, Linda Springer, and the agency's administrator for information technology and e-government, Karen Evans.
"As part of this effort, OMB will work with agencies to identify FY 2004 development, modernization and enhancement funds that should be used to support Grants.gov."
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