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OMB: President’s Management Agenda Criteria
The OMB has issued specific criteria for agencies to meet the green level on the President’s Management Agenda scorecard where agencies are graded on a tricolor system of green, yellow, and red. The OMB sent a memo to 27 agencies CIO’s explaining the administration expects from agencies for “cost, schedule and performance, earned value management, and operational and data analysis.” The next quarterly grading is scheduled for September 30.

“Some of the things they are looking for from agencies include:

1. Providing examples of how the agency uses data and analysis to make project management and IT portfolio management decisions 2. Establishing cost, schedule and performance baselines for all projects 3. A documented agency policy for using earned value management. Earned value management criteria is a project management system used by the contractor that integrates the scope of the work with the cost and schedule milestones for planning purposes."

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