OMB: Evaluation of E-gov Initiatives
The OMB has released a new report stating the agency's plans to evaluate federal electronic government efforts on whether people are actually using them. OMB has hired a contractor to evaluate 10 of the 24 e-gov initiatives. Karen Evans, the OMB’s e-government administrator, wants to have the performance measures for future evaluations with the president’s 2006 budget in February.
"Now we have to go out and find out, 'Did we hit the mark?' Evans said. 'We don't want to rest on our laurels.... Are we really hitting our audience and achieving the results?'"
"'[We're] going to have a very transparent process, so people can see what successes we're having,' Evans said. 'This outlines where we are, which is great, and as we go forward, when we release a budget chapter, you're going to see how we're doing.'"
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