OMB Papers on Centralized
Regulatory Review
Ronald Reagan Administration
Other Relevant Materials
- DOJ Memorandum #2 on Executive Order See Page 152
- DOJ on OMB/Agency Contacts See Page 142
- Reagan Memorandum on Postponement of Pending Regulations (Moratorium) (PDF 213KB)
- DOJ Memorandum on Reagan Executive Order 12291 (PDF 1.3MB)
- White House Press Statement on the Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief (PDF 179KB)
- White House Press Announcement on Executive Order 12291 (PDF 250KB)
- Press article (PDF 1.1MB)
- Press article (PDF 566KB)
- Vice Presidential Statement on "Regulatory Relief" and OMB's Target List of Regulations Scheduled for Reassessment (PDF 1.9MB)
- Harvard Journal on Legislation Article on Regulatory Budgets (pdf 5MB)
- DOJ Memorandum on "Ex Parte" Contacts Under Executive Order 12291 (PDF 1.5MB)
- OMB Letter to Congress Regarding OMB Contacts with Outside Groups (PDF 479 KB)
- Press article (PDF 691KB)
- Guidelines for OMB Communications with the Public Under Executive Order 12291 (PDF 234KB)
- Press article (PDF 845KB)
- OMB Report on Reagan Administration Regulatory Relief Options (PDF 5.6MB)
- Fact Sheet: President Reagan's Initiative to Reduce Regulatory Burdens (PDF 1MB)
- Rep. Dingell Investigation of OMB's Role in the Regulatory Process (PDF 165KB)
- Press Article (PDF 293KB)
- Press Article (PDF 279KB)
- Materials on President Reagan's Program of Regulatory Relief (PDF 12.6MB)
- OMB Testimony to Congress Regarding Executive Order 12291 (PDF 1.6MB)
- Press Article (PDF 289KB)
- Press Article (PDF 472KB)
- Press Article (PDF 594KB)
- Press Article (PDF 513KB)
- Press Article (PDF 217KB)
- OMB-Department of Labor Engagement Letter on Regulatory Review (PDF 154KB)
- Press Article (PDF 710KB)
- OMB Regulatory Return Letter to Department of Transportation (PDF 168KB)
- Congressional Inquiry Letter to Department of Transportation Regarding Implementation of Executive Order 12291 (PDF 112KB)
- Role of OMB in Regulation: Hearing of the Committee on Energy and Commerce (U.S. House of Representatives)
- Ronald Reagan
- The Risks Of Comparing Risks
- Tozzi, J. and E. Clarke, (1983) "On Information and the Regulation of Public utilities", A. Danilsen and D. Kamershen (Ed.) Current Issues in Public Economics, 133-147. Lexington: Lexington Books.
- OMB Intervention in Agency Rulemaking: The Case for Broadened Record Review
- D. U.S. Competitiveness Is Hampered
- Press Articles
- Cato Roundtable
- Washington Post--Peter Behr
- Whose agency is it, anyway? How OMB runs EPA - Office of Management and Budget, Environmental Protection Agency
- Harvard Law Review: Central Review
- From the Library of Robert Coakley -- PRA Senate Proponent
- White House Review of Agency Rulemaking
- Sierra Club v. Costle
- Muskie Criticizes White House Meddling With EPA Rules
- If You Don't Like It, Get Out, White House Tells EPA Staff
- ACUS on OMB Review
- ACUS General
- Commentary: White House Review of Agency Rulemaking
- Constraining Regulatory Costs Part 1: The White House Review Programs
- EO 12498 & Risk Analysis
- Constitutional and Statutory Limits for Cost -
Benefit Analysis Pursuant to Executive Orders
12,291 and 12,498
- Jawboning Administrative Agencies:
Ex Parte Contacts by the White House
- Executive Order 11574
- Federal Control of Water Pollution: The Refuse Act Permit Program
- OMB Review Houck
- Reagan Retrospective Review
- Tozzi on Torts
- Is the National Security Council an “Agency” Under the APA and FOIA?