Towards a Regulatory Budget: Jim Tozzi, ed. 1979.
When the question of what is to be counted is resolved, there remains the problem of how that information is to be structured. The structure should present the information in a manner that is useful for policy evaluation and decisions. Also, although one purpose of the regulatory budget is to present disparate Federal regulatory activity as a system, the budget must be implemented within the regulatory system that is, in fact, not unified. Regulatory agencies and programs may complement, conflict, be parallel, or be independent relative to each other. The same can be said about the budget entries as well as any attempt to manage or control those entries. Alternative Regulatory Budget Structures The structure of a regulatory budget can have numerous dimensions. Entries can be organized along agency, sectoral, functional, or regional lines. Entries in the existing expenditure budget are organized by agency. However, the Special Analyses Volume of the Budget does present budget authority and outlays by programmatic or functional categories. Analyses in recent years have covered education, health, income security, civil rights, environment and other topics. Because the various appropriations and funds in the expenditure budget are spent by Federal governmental units, there is no analogy between the expenditure budget and a sectoral breakdown in a regulatory budget. Of course, the very nature of a regulatory budget is to bring together regulatory expenditures incurred by sectors other than the Federal government (industry, agriculture, commerce, state and local government, etc.) Finally, a regional dimension (states, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, congressional districts) could also be of policy interest. Other dimensions are also possible. An ideal regulatory budget system would allow the retrieval of entries by each dimension of interest. It is not feasible for a regulatory budget to address all of these dimensions at the outset. Even after considerable development, it is likely to remain incomplete. In addition to the managerial problem of implementing the concept, there are technical problems to deal with when the budget becomes multidimensional. Not only must entries be defined in a manner consistent with all dimensions; but, more seriously entries are likely to be interdependent and not additive across all dimensions. Initially the regulatory budget must be explored and developed along a workable dimension. The dimension that appears most feasible, and expandable if appropriate, is an agency one. The agency dimension has the following advantages:
There are strong arguments for developing the regulatory budget along dimensions other than or in addition to the agency, one. A strict agency approach limits the capability of dealing with some crosscutting problems. For instance, in a given situation one regulatory management objective may be to limit or postpone compliance expenditures in a specific industry because of conflicts with nonregulatory objectives. A sectoral regulatory budget would be useful in that case. In another case, the objective may be to advance the Federal environmental program. This may require increased allotments for some agencies yet decreases for others. It would be useful in this case to have a functional or programmatic regulatory budget analogous to the Special Analyses that cuts across agencies to cover government-wide program areas. The choice of the agency dimension as the practical way to develop a regulatory budget does not diminish the value of alternative dimensions. The Federal effort to achieve specific regulatory objectives does not in all cases reflect the existing government organization. Environmental quality, public safety, economic competition, and consumer protection are pursued by a number of regulatory agencies. Ideally, the regulatory budget should group costs by national objective. The budget should reflect the policy choice set involving inter- and intra-program tradeoffs. Theoretically, all Federal procurement, and similar elements are in competition for funds. Practically, some programs are insulated from the others.
a Regulatory Budget: Jim Tozzi, ed. 1979.
PART 5: FISCAL FOUNDATIONS OF A REGULATORY BUDGET The regulatory budget and the fiscal budget address a common problem:
keeping expenditures in line with available national resources. This commonality
in objectives leads to a commonality in the problems encountered in implementation.
Consequently, many problems which arose in the development and execution
of the Federal budget system are similar to those confronted in the development
and implementation of a regulatory budget. Of equal significance is the
observation that many of the solutions to the problems encountered in
the implementation of the Federal budget system may be applicable to the
problems encountered in the implementation of a regulatory budget.
The law establishing the Department of Treasury (1789) made it the duty
of the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare and report estimates of the
public revenue and public expenditures. A supplementary act passed on
1800 directed the Secretary to digest, prepare and lay before Congress--a
report containing estimates of public revenue and expenditure.
Alexander Hamilton attempted to utilize these statutory authorities
to formulate spending plans for carrying out the functions of the government
as a whole. Secretary Hamilton failed. He failed for a number of reasons,
two of the more significant being an institutional conflict with Congress
and an Executive Branch which was created in a manner which did not lend
itself to the discipline imposed by a Federal budget.
For these reasons, the role of the Secretary of the Treasury in budget
formulation was limited to a mechanical compiler of the individual budget
requests of the Executive Branch Departments. The Secretary most certainly
could not modify an estimate provided by a Department. Over the years,
this minor role accorded to the Secretary, and thus the Executive Branch
in total, became so accepted that eventually Congress passed a law, which
gave statutory recognition to the then existing practice of limiting the
Secretary's role to that of a compiler. The end result of this process
was that the Executive Branch:
Furthermore, the Congress had no forum for addressing the same overall
fiscal concerns since there was no single appropriation committee. This
chaotic approach to the expenditure of public funds continued until there
was an increasingly greater concern expressed by the Executive Branch,
the Congress and the public need for the greater efficiency in government.
This concern was the result of a growing Federal Government and increasing
taxes--some of the concerns expressed in support of a regulatory budget.
The movement towards the development of a Federal budget was labeled,
in the then popular words of the day, as "Budgetary Reform" which in part
parallels to current emphasis on regulatory reform.
In 1911, the President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency was established
to study ways of improving the management of the Executive Branch. The
Commission concluded that no worthwhile improvement in the management
of the Executive Branch could take place until the Federal Government
adopted a Federal budget system. The Commission published two reports.
The first, "The Need for a National Budget" which documented the deficiencies
in the current system, recommend ways for overcoming these deficiencies
and outlined a structure for the Federal budget.
The second report of the Commission, "Message of the President of the
United States Submitting for the Consideration of the Congress a Budget
with Supporting Memoranda and Reports" set forth a budget for 1914. The
Congress opposed the report on the basis that the adoption of its recommendations
would result in an intrusion of the Executive on Congressional prerogatives.
Notwithstanding this growing concern, no legislative action was taken
to implement a Federal budgeting system until the World War I. At its
conclusion, the fiscal condition of the nation had changed considerably
and within a short period of time. No longer were the financial needs
of the nation so small that they could be financed with ease by individual
taxpayers. Instead, the nation was confronted with a large national debt,
the maintenance and retirement of which would not go unnoticed by the
taxpayers. For the first time in history, the Federal Government had to
relate expenditures to revenues. The public was arguing for reduced Federal
expenditures and this objective could be met by a Federal budget process.
In response to this concern, the House established in 1919 a "Select Committee
on the Budget" to study the subject of a national budget. The Committee
held intensive hearings on the subject, keeping in mind the need to develop
a system compatible with the American constitutional form of government.
The report of the House Committee was the catalyst which led to the
passage of the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. This Act directed the
President--and only the President--to prepare and submit to the Congress
annually, complete information on revenues, past and future expenditures
and the manner in which the expenditures should be financed. The Act also
created the Bureau of the Budget.
The successful implementation of a Federal budget system required a
sound analytical base. The analytical base took the form of a consistent
set of accounting rules and practices. It should be noted that the Budget
and Accounting Act was passed notwithstanding the nonexistence of accepted
accounting procedures. Only eight months after the Budget and Accounting
Act was passed, the first Director of 0MB stated in a speech before a
meeting of the Business Organization of the Government: "And let me stop
right here . . . to criticize the disgraceful and archaic system which
characterizes government accounting."
An analogous concern in the development of a regulatory budget is the
existence of procedures to estimate compliance costs--the expenditures
need to comply with Federal regulations.
Analytical Commonalities
Many of the analytical issues one confronts in the preparation of a
regulatory budget have in many instances been faced in the development
of the Federal budgeting system. This is not to suggest, however, that
the intensity of a particular issue is constant when one moves from a
fiscal budget to a regulatory budget.
The remainder of this section will address some of the analytical problems
identified by students of regulatory budgeting and will relate proposed
solutions to current practices in the development and execution of the
fiscal budget.
Compliance Costs
If there is one subject area that has been highlighted it is that of
estimating compliance costs. The estimation of compliance costs is a key
element of any regulatory budget. For the purpose of this discussion the
term compliance costs simply means expenditures incurred by the private
sector as a result of federally imposed regulations.
There are inherent difficulties in estimating compliance costs. These
difficulties include (1) the lag between the time a regulation is issued
and the time private sector begins to spend funds, (2) the fact that some
of the major expenditures resulting from a regulation occur many years
after it has been promulgated and (3) the difficulty in identifying costs
associated with a particular regulation.
These issues are common to the preparation of the fiscal budget. Consider,
for example, a specific Federal program, the wastewater treatment program
sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency. The President's FY 1980
budget request included $3.8 billion in budget authority for this program.
When the appropriations are received, EPA is allowed to enter into contracts
whose total cost is $3.8 billion. By simply signing the contracts, EPA
has not increased Federal expenditures by one dollar since expenditures
do not occur until the grantee sends a request for payment and EPA honors
such a request. The construction of a wastewater treatment plant takes
place over many years.
To accurately estimate outlays in the construction grants program, one
has to first assume a date when the grantee is going to request a grant
from EPA, whether the grantee's application will meet Federal requirements,
when the grant will be approved, when the grantee will initiate construction
and the rate at which construction will proceed. These uncertainties are
compounded by external events such as court suits, bad weather conditions,
strikes, and bidding problems with potential contractors.
While the expenditure estimates for a particular project can vary significantly
from the actual expenditures, recent program expenditures have been within
5% of the estimated levels.
The analogy to the fiscal budget process is as follows. The construction
of a wastewater treatment plant is the result of a Federal regulatory
action directed at a municipality. The fact that a wastewater treatment
plant is constructed by a private firm in response to a Federal regulation
should not present analytical problems any more or less severe than the
analytical problems associated with the construction of a wastewater treatment
plant by a municipality pursuant to a Federal regulation.
With respect to problems of joint costs, there are certain joint cost
problems for which there is no economic solution -- whether they are confronted
in a fiscal budget or a regulatory budget. One way of addressing this
concern is to determine whether the magnitude of the joint cost problem
is any greater in the regulatory budget than in the fiscal budget.
Joint cost issues do arise in the formulation of the fiscal budget.
Consider, for example, the aforementioned wastewater treatment plant.
Wastewater treatment plants serve many ends. Although they reduce the
amount of pollutants which enter a stream, in many instances they also
decrease the cost of providing portable drinking water. This occurs because
water purification plants which take water from a stream have less pollutants
to remove. Thus joint cost allocation problems occur in the course of
making Federal budgetary allocations between the Federal water quality
program and the Federal safe drinking water program.
With only a minimal effort, a wide range of joint cost issues which
arise in the course of the formulation of the fiscal budget could be cataloged
since, in general, there is no economic solution to the joint cost problem.
The Federal government has developed a considerable body of accounting
techniques to address this problem. These techniques have developed over
the past fifty years and continue to be modified to address emerging problems.
Consequently, it is not at all clear, whether the joint cost problems
inherent in the formulation of a regulatory budget are any more or less
severe than those encountered in the formulation of the fiscal budget.
Benefit Estimation
Another analytical issue raised with respect to the development of a
regulatory budget is a potential emphasis on the cost of regulations with
the result that the benefits they provide to society will be overlooked.
This is a just concern but it is also present in the fiscal budget.
Since 1921, and to the current day, the fiscal budget is merely a presentation
of estimated revenues and planned expenditures. There is no--or little--quantitative
expression of the benefits it provides. This is not to suggest that benefits
are not considered in the development of the fiscal budget. In fact, the
expected benefits to be derived from the programs presented in the fiscal
budget is a key element in determining which programs are to be funded
and which programs are to be excluded.
Consequently, it is not obvious why the lack of quantitative benefit
data should inhibit the implementation of a regulatory budget any more
than its non-existence has inhibited the preparation of the Fiscal budget.
In one respect the fiscal budget has a high degree of enforceability
since, by law, the Federal Government cannot spend more than is appropriated
by the Congress. From this point, the enforceability of the Federal Budget
is absolute. However, in practice this degree of enforceability diminishes
in part. It diminishes because of programs such as entitlement programs.
Entitlement programs arise from a number of statutes which guarantee certain
individuals some form of financial relief if they fulfill the criteria
set forth in the statute. One example is the social security program.
Any individual of a specified age and a given income level is entitled
to a payment from the Federal Treasury. Furthermore, in other program
areas, the constitution authorizes any citizen who, in their opinion,
has suffered a financial loss as a result of the Federal Government to
make a claim to the U. S. Court of Claims. If the Court of Claims grants
relief, the individual is compensated whether or not funds have been requested
in the budget.
In addition, it should be noted that the Congress appropriates budget
authority--authority provided by law to enter into obligations which result
in immediate or future outlays of government funds--but it does not "appropriate"
a level of expenditures. Only in rare instances do we work under statutory
limits on expenditures.
There are two other aspects of enforcement--one related to the concern
that we will never know if we exceed a regulatory budget and the other
that if we do--nothing can be done about it.
Reporting procedures can be developed which would set forth the expenditures
associated with the regulatory budget. Over the past seven years, considerable
experience has been gained from the process used to estimate the amount
of private sector expenditures which occur as a result of Federal environmental
regulations. Although they can be improved upon, they do exist.
It is true that once private sector expenditures exceed the regulatory
budget, there is little that can be done about it in the fiscal year this
occurred. This is also true in the case of the Federal budget. When the
books are closed at the end of a fiscal year, little can be done about
the fact that actual expenditures exceed planned expenditures. As explained
above, this phenomenon results as a result of appropriating budget authority
without a ceiling on outlays, as well as the existence of entitlement
programs and claims by private parties.
The absence of a corrective mechanism In the year the actual expenditures
exceed estimated expenditures is not to suggest the absence of a corrective
mechanism in future years. In fact, corrective mechanisms are developed--in
the fiscal budget--as a result of the information gained during the budget
year. There are a large array of such corrective mechanisms--these range
from requesting less funds in future years to developing better models
for the expenditure of funds.
Lastly, another issue raised with respect to the enforceability of a
regulatory budget is the fact that in any one fiscal year, the majority
of the expenditures will be related to expenditures associated with existing
regulations--not regulations yet to be promulgated.
This is correct--but it too is common to the fiscal budget. In any one
year, no more than 25% of the planned expenditures are associated with
discretionary programs. It is unlikely that there is any more or less
flexibility to reduce ongoing programs funded in the fiscal budget, in
any given fiscal year, then there is in the programs covered in the regulatory
In summary, there is no clear case for stating that the enforceability
of the regulatory budget is any more or less difficult than the fiscal
budget. Furthermore, and of more significance, there is no clear reason
why the degree of enforceability in the regulatory budget should be comparable
to that which exists in the Federal budget. Such a determination must
rest with the ultimate use of the regulatory budget.
A Movement Towards a Regulatory Budget -- The Non-Compliance Penalty
Section 120 of the Clean Air Act establishes a non-compliance penalty
program. This program levies penalty on any firm that violates emission
requirements established pursuant to the Clean Air Act. The penalty is
calculated as the incremental expenditures--beyond those currently being
expended-needed to bring the source into compliance. Furthermore, even
if the source takes legal action to dispute the penalty and loses, it
is still charged the penalty while the courts review their petition.
Obviously, the ability of the Federal Government to perform an accurate
calculation, of the compliance Costs resulting from the imposition of
a Federal regulation on a private sector source is a key element of this
program. Expenditures for compliance with Federal Air Regulations comprise
some 40% of the national (Federal, State and local) expenditures for pollution
abatement. The Federal Government has therefore, initiated a statutory
requirement to estimate compliance costs for a major sector of the economy
notwithstanding the implementation of a regulatory budget.
Many of the aforementioned analytical problems associated with the implementation
of a regulatory budget are present in the non-compliance penalty program.
These include procedures to estimate compliance costs, the joint cost
problem, and enforceability.
Since the penalty is set at the incremental cost of compliance, there
is considerable incentive to develop accurate estimates of compliance
costs. The higher the estimates of compliance costs--the higher the penalty.
This has the additional advantage of providing a downward bias in compliance
costs to counter act any upward biases associated with the development
of compliance costs.
The discharge of the non-compliance penalty program also requires one
to address the joint cost problem. Consider for example, a steel mill
which converts from an oxygen furnace to an electric arc furnace. Basically
a furnace is a factor of production, not a facility for complying with
Clean Air Regulations. Nonetheless, to some degree, the cleaner electric
arc furnace is an alternative to placing a precipator on an oxygen furnace.
The joint cost issue arises when one attempts to identify what portion
of the costs associated with the installation of the electric arc furnace
can be attributed to pollution abatement.
The noncompliance penalty program also forces one to address the enforceability
problem, since the penalties are levied until which time the source comes
into compliance--as opposed to when it makes a commitment to install pollution
abatement equipment--the actual compliance costs, and thus the penalties,
could differ substantially from the estimated compliance costs.
In any fiscal year, if a source is either overcharged or undercharged
there is nothing that can be done in that particular fiscal year--as is
the case if actual compliance costs in a regulatory budget exceed estimated
compliance costs. The corrective mechanism--and thus the enforceability
in the non-compliance penalty program arises from the statutory authority
to either make a refund to the source, in the case of an overestimate
of the compliance penalty, or to have the source make an additional payment
to the Federal Government in the ensuing fiscal year.
In either case, deviations from the estimated level of compliance costs
in one fiscal year are corrected in a subsequent fiscal year. The same
corrective mechanism could be instituted in a regulatory budget.
In summary, notwithstanding a number of analytical problems common to
the implementation of a regulatory budget, the Administration proposed,
and the Congress enacted the non-compliance penalty program.