OIRA Return
During the
course of OIRA's review of a draft regulation, the Administrator may
decide to send a letter to the agency that returns the rule for
reconsideration. Such a return may occur if the quality of the agency's
analyses are inadequate, if the regulatory standards adopted are not
justified by the analyses, if the rule is not consistent with the
regulatory principles stated in Executive Order 12866 or with the
President's policies and priorities, or if the rule is not compatible with
other Executive Orders or statutes. Such a return does not necessarily
imply that either OIRA or OMB is opposed to the draft rule. Rather, the
return letter explains why OIRA believes that the rulemaking would benefit
from further consideration by the agency.
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "Regulations
to be Followed by All Departments, Agencies, and Shippers Having
Responsibility to Provide a Preference for U.S.-Flag Vessels in the
Shipment of Cargoes on Ocean Vessels" (February 11, 2004) (87k)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "Hazardous
Materials: Transportation of Lithium Batteries" (August 22,
2003) (37k)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "Regulations
to be Followed by All Departments, Agencies, and Shippers Having
Responsibility to Provide a Preference for U.S.-Flag Vessels in the
Shipment of Cargoes on Ocean Vessels" (June 13, 2003) (75k)
- Letter to
the Office of Personnel Management on "Implementation
of Additional Cost Principles in the Federal Employees Health Benefits
Program" (December 18, 2002) (64k)
- Letter to
the Department of Veterans' Affairs on "Loan
Guaranty: Availability of Vendee Financing for VA-Acquired
Properties" (October 8, 2002) (34k)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) on "Tire
Pressure Monitoring Systems"
(February 12, 2002) (61k)
- Letter to
the Small Business Administration on "Small
Business Size Standards: Economic Injury Disaster Loan Payment"
(February 11, 2002)
- Letter to
the Department of Agriculture on "Environment
Enhancement for Nonhuman Primates" (January 29,
- Letter to
the Department of Housing and Urban Development on "Public
Housing Capital Fund Program"
(November 21, 2001)
- Letter to
the Social Security Administration on "Rules
Implementing the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program"
(November 15, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Veterans Affairs on "Medical
Care and Treatment for Which VA Will Not Seek Reimbursement"
(October 3, 2001)
- Letter to
the Environmental Protection Agency on "Federal
Water Quality Standards for Indian County and Other Provisions Regarding
Federal Water Quality Standards"
(October 2, 2001)
- Letter to
Veterans Affairs on "Exclusions
from Income" (September 28, 2001)
- Letter to
the Social Security Administration on (1) "Clarification
of Rules; (2) Filing Claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act and
the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act;
(3) Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Hematologic Disorders
and Malignant Neoplastic Diseases; and (4) Representative Payment
Under the Title II and Title XVI of the Social Security Act"
(September 27, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Housing and Urban Development on "Establishment
of a Demonstration Risk-Sharing Program" (September 26,
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "U.S.
Locational Requirement for Dispatching the U.S. Rail Operations"
(September 20, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "Revisions
to Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations for Boeing 737 Airplanes and
for Part 125 Operators" (September 14, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "(1)
Corrosion and Control Program" and (2) "Aging Aircraft Safety"
(September 14, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Veterans Affairs on "Evidence
of Permanent and Total Disability" (September 14, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "Certification
of Pilots, Aircraft, and Repairman, for the Operationof Light Sport
Aircraft" (August 8, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "Hazardous
Materials: Safety Requirements for External Product Piping on Cargo
Tanks Transporting Flammable Liquid" (August 8, 2001)
- Letter to
the Department of Transportation on "Part
145 Review: Repair Stations"
(July 20, 2001)