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Increase the scope of OMB's Data Access Guidelines
Pursuant to the Data Access Law (Shelby Amendment) OMB issued the following overly restrictive interpretation in its amendments to OMB Circular A-110:

    "In addition, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for research data relating to published research findings produced under an award that were used by the Federal Government in developing an agency action THAT HAS THE FORCE AND EFFECT OF LAW, the Federal awarding agency shall request, and the recipient shall provide, within a reasonable time, the research data ....
Nothing in the legislative debates suggest such an overbearing restriction, See below:

Letter from four Senators to OMB Director
Senators Campbell, Shelby, Lott and Gramm express concerns over proposed amendments to OMB Circular A-110.

Letter from Congressman Udall to OMB
Expressing concern about the impacts of proposed revisions to OMB Circular A-110.

Letter from Congressman Holt to OMB
Voicing opinion on proposed changes to Circular A-110.

Letter from 17 Congress Members to OMB Director
Supporting amendment of Circular A-110.

"Dear Colleague" Letter from Members of Congress to Appropriations Committee Members Opposing Price-Walsh
Letter and attachment from Congress Members Emerson, DeLay, Aderholt and Peterson

"Dear Colleague" Letter from Members of Congress Opposing Price-Walsh
Letter and attachment from Congress Members Aderholt, DeLay, Peterson, Callahan, Wicker and Tiahrt

Letter from Senators Shelby and Lott to Congressman Young Opposing Price-Walsh

Letter from Senators to OMB Director with Comments on Proposed Revision to OMB Circular A-110
Letter from Senators Shelby, Campbell and Lott

Letter from Congress Member Emerson to OMB Director
Requesting feedback on CRE's Global Warming paper

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