CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
EPA Proposes New Data Quality Act Guidelines for Third-Party
Submissions and Announces a September 20 Public Meeting on the Proposal
Much of the "information" disseminated by EPA is generated by third parties
outside of the Agency: e.g., public comment in rulemakings and outside research.
In the September 9th Federal Register notice, EPA proposed Data Quality Act
guidelines for third-party information submissions. The notice provides EPA's
proposed standards for determining whether third-party submissions are of sufficient
quality to be used by the Agency. It includes appendices identifying the risk
assessment methods, models, and guidance documents EPA will use to determine whether
third-party submissions comply with the Data Quality Act Standards. Yet many of
these methods, models and guidance documents themselves may violate the Data Quality
Act Standards. EPA's website states that written comments must be postmarked by
September 30.
to review EPA's Federal Register notice
to review EPA's proposed Data Quality guidelines for third-party
to register for the December 20 public meeting
CRE Regulatory Services