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Data Quality

'Data Quality' Law Is Nemesis Of Regulation
"The conflicting results left the atrazine question at a standoff. That is when the company turned to the Data Quality Act - and Jim J. Tozzi."

"Tozzi wrote the Data Quality Act and arranged for its congressional passage after the 2000 elections."

"Today he is a Washington lobbyist and head of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, a watchdog group that specializes in data quality."
The Washington Post, August 16, 2004, p. A1

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  • New Guidelines Open U.S. Data To Challenge
    The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, which characterizes itself as a regulatory watchdog group that is supported by business and trade associations, was the impetus behind the new law...

    James J. Tozzi, the group's founder, was at OMB's office of regulatory review from 1972 to 1983. He said the center probably will be among the first to challenge a study the Environmental Protection Agency did as part of a rulemaking.

    The Washington Post, October 1, 2002

    Law Revises Standards for Scientific Study (Data Quality Act)
    "Some architects of the legislation say they expect it will help them in the courtroom. Most notable is James J. Tozzi, the founder of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness.

    With a government-set yardstick for quality, Mr. Tozzi said, critics of regulations can now build more convincing cases showing that an agency was arbitrary and capricious in its choice of data. Until now, such suits have generally failed.

    The most important aspect of the law, he said, is that it creates a consistent system for uncovering errors early and encouraging agencies to be more careful about how they use data.
    'It's the information age,' Mr. Tozzi said. 'Now in the world's most powerful government you're going to have to issue information that's accurate."
    The New York Times, March 21, 2002