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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

CRE Comments on Atrazine Frog SAP

EPA conducted a three-day Science Advisory Panel on atrazine's endocrine effects on amphibians: i.e., frogs. CRE's comments on the SAP reiterated the points made in CRE's Data Quality Act Petition on this issue. First, EPA cannot regulate atrazine for wildlife endocrine effects until there are accurate, reliable and reproducible tests for such effects. Second, there are no such tests at this time. EPA agrees with these points based on its response to CRE's DQA Petition and based on EPA's White Paper for the SAP. The SAP's review of this issue is important because it may be the first SAP review of test reproducibility and reliability issues under the Data Quality Act. The SAP's report on this issue should be out by the end of July.

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