®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
CRE Challenges Federal Use of WHO Dietary Study, Emphasizes International Scientific Studies Must Comply With Data Quality Act and Guidelines
CRE has filed a Request for Correction of Information contained in a World Health Organization (WHO) Report. Both USDA and HHS have stated an intent to base their 2005 Dietary Guidelines, in part, on a WHO Report. Before USDA and HHS are legally able to rely on any of the data and analyses contained in WHO Technical Report 916, the agencies must conduct a Data Quality pre-dissemination review to ensure that all information used by the agency fully complies the U.S. Government's Data Quality standards. The pre-dissemination review process needs to include participation by all stakeholders. Subsequent to the review, USDA and HHS or WHO may need to supplement the WHO Report with corrections before the agencies will be able to base policy guidance on any information, including recommendations, contained in the Report.
Click to read Request for Correction.
to read CRE transmittal letter to USDA and HHS.
to read CRE transmittal letter to WHO and FAO.
Click to read "CRE's Data Quality Act Petition Causes International Debate".
Click to read "Industry Data Quality Challenge Weakens Dietary Guidelines".
Click to submit a comment.