®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
EPA Agrees With CRE's Atrazine Data Quality Act Petition
EPA 's Interim Registration Eligibility Decision for the herbicide atrazine concludes that the data do not provide evidence to show that atrazine produces a consistent, reproducible effect on amphibian development. This IRED conclusion agrees with the Data Quality Act Petition that CRE and agricultural groups filed on atrazine last year. This Petition sought correction of statements in earlier EPA risk assessments that atrazine causes adverse endocrine effects in wildlife, including amphibians. The tests on which EPA's earlier statements were based do not meet Data Quality Act Standards because the tests have never been demonstrated to be accurate, reliable and reproducible on an inter-laboratory basis. CRE commends EPA for recognizing this fact in its atrazine IRED.
Click for EPA's new atrazine IRED.
Click CRE's atrazine Data Quality Act Petition.