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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

EPA Announces Public Comment Period On Atrazine IRED And Water Quality Criteria Document
EPA's Pesticides Office has released for public comment a revised atrazine Interim Registration Eligibility Document under FIFRA and the FQPA. At the same time, EPA's Water Office released for public comment a draft atrazine Water Quality Criteria Document under the Clean Water Act. The comment period for both the IRED and the Criteria Document ends February 5, 2004. These two documents have importance beyond the re-registration of this product. They both involve EPA regulation in atrazine in surface waters, and the two EPA Offices have attempted to be consistent under two different regulatory regimes. In addition, these may be the first major EPA public comment proceedings where Data Quality Act issues are prominent during the comment period.
  • Click for for atrazine IRED.
  • Click Click here for atrazine Water Quality Criteria Document.