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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

GAO Reviews Congressional Review Act Implementation
The Government Acounting Office recently reviewed implementation. of the Congressional Review Act, and reported to Congress on the results of GAO’s review.

The CRA gives Congress a chance to review most rules after agencies promulgate the rules but before they take effect. Congress can disapprove finally promulgated rules if a majority in both Houses agrees to a resolution of disapproval, and if the President signs the disapproval resolution.

The GAO report provides the following “Facts” about CRA implementation:

    Facts on CRA since Its Enactment on March 29, 1996
    37 Joint Resolutions of Disapproval introduced affecting 28 rules
    1 rule nullified by Congress through Joint Resolution procedures
    610 major rules received and reported on by GAO
    41,218 nonmajor rules entered into GAO database
    About 200 nonmajor rules per year not filed with GAO
    All 610 major rules filed with GAO in a timely fashion
    71 of 610 major rules—effective date not delayed for required 60 days.”
  • Click to read GAO Report