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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

ACC Surveys Companies' Management of Nano Risks

The American Chemical Council filed comments on EPA's Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program. Their comments included a survey of companies’ risk management practices for engineered nanomaterials.

The ACC survey is one of three known surveys on Nano workpractices. The other two are A Survey of Current Practices in the Nanotechnology Workplace, conducted by the International Council on Nanotechnology; and Matrix of Nanotechnology Safe Practices, conducted by ORC Worldwide Nanotechnology Task Force. The ACC survey provides data on current practices employed by 14 companies on the ACC Nanotechnology Panel.

Some of the survey's conclusions follow:

"In general, companies reported exposure control programs are in place for nanomaterials handling. The operations that involve potential exposures are well understood, and include a range of controls including PPE. The survey responses clearly reflect that the PPE practices depend on the specific facts of the situation; for example, increased respiratory PPE protection may be applicable for work outside a fume hood, while less stringent protection may be applied for ENM contained in a solution or an aggregate.

Releases to the environment for nanomaterials are reported to be controlled and very small. The vast majority of survey participants reported zero or non-detectable releases of ENMs into the environment.

Manufacturing locations are few in number. Most respondents to the survey reported manufacturing, using or processing nanomaterials at fewer than 5 sites."

  • Click here to read ACC comments