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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

OMB Issues Final DQA Statistical Agencies Guidance

On March 7, 2008, the Office of Management and Budget published a final new Statistical Policy Directive for the release and dissemination of statistical products produced by Federal statistical agencies. In the same Federal Register publication, OMB responded to public comment on the draft Directive that it published in August 2007.

OMB published the Directive in its role as coordinator of the federal statistical system, 44 U.S.C. § 3504(e), and pursuant to OMB’s authority to implement and oversee compliance with the Data Quality Act, 44 U.S.C. § 3516 note. OMB explains that its new Statistical Policy Directive is

designed to preserve and enhance the objectivity and transparency, in fact and in perception, of the processes used to release and disseminate the statistical products of Federal statistical agencies. The procedures in the directive are intended to ensure that statistical data releases adhere to data quality standards through equitable, policy-neutral, and timely release of information to the general public.

The Directive specifically regulates the release and dissemination of federal statistical products. It also expressly applies the Data Quality Act Guidelines to statistical products. OMB’s Statistical Policy Directive No. 4 is still another example of the broad reach of the Data Quality Act.

  • Click here read OMB’s Statistical Policy Directive No. 4 and response to comments