®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
SAB Reviews EPA’s White Paper on Aquatic Life Criteria for Endocrine Disruptors
On June 23, 2008, the U.S. EPA’s Science Advisory Board held a public teleconference on EPA’s white paper on aquatic life water quality criteria for possible endocrine-disrupting substances and other “emerging” contaminants in US waters. On June 30 and July 1, 2008, the SAB will hold a public meeting to discuss the white paper.
During the teleconference, the SAB received background information and discussed the charge, agenda, and assignments for their face-to-face meeting on June 30 - July 1, 2008. The face-to-face meeting will be held at the SAB’s office in Washington, D.C.
The white paper is controversial and important because the current water quality criteria development process does not focus on possible endocrine disruptors in US waters. EPA is also considering developing water quality criteria for other currently unregulated substances such as nanomaterials, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicines and persistent organic pollutants.
Click here to read EPA's Federal Register notice of meetings