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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

Houston Files Data Quality Act Petition On EPA Air Data

On July 9, 2008, Bill White, the Mayor of Houston, filed a Request for Correction under the Data Quality Act on behalf of the City of Houston. Mayor White states that

"This Request for Correction is filed to ensure that the emission factors used by EPA to make air quality decisions that impact public health are accurate, reliable and unbiased as required by law. The emission factors currently used by EPA significantly undercount emissions from petroleum refineries and chemical manufacturing plants (footnote omitted). Several studies have shown that actual emissions of volatile organic compounds can be 100 times greater than reported emissions based on EPA’s emission factors, equations, and estimates."
Houston asks for wide ranging relief that might lie beyond the authority of the Data Quality Act. Whatever its merits, this Request for Correction demonstrates that the Data Quality Act is being used by an increasingly broad spectrum of interest groups.

  • Click here for Houston’s DQA Request for Correction