EPA Seeks Comment on Its Models Guidance Document
On August 13, 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published Federal Register notice seeking public comment on EPA’s Guidance Document on the Development, Evaluation and Application of Regulatory Environmental Models. EPA's Council on Regulatory Environmental Modeling developed the Guidance Document and its companion product, the Models Knowledge Base, to improve the quality, consistency and transparency of EPA models.
The Models Guidance Document was produced in draft form in November 2003. Since then, it has been peer reviewed by EPA’s Science Advisory Board review panel and by the National Research Council. The revised draft out for public comment contains changes made in response to the SAB’s and NRC’s comments.
CRE commends EPA for producing this important guidance document.
Comments on the Models Guidance Document are due to EPA by September 12, 2008.
Click here to read EPA’s Federal Register notice of the Models Guidance Document