®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
Forest Service Withdraws Proposed Rules Because They Weren't Reviewed by
New Administration
On February 6, 2009, the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service published notice that it was withdrawing proposed rules published January 29, 2009. The proposed rules would establish regulations for taking wildlife for subsistence uses in Alaska during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 regulatory years.
The Forest Service explains that it has to withdraw the proposed rules because they do not comply with the Obama Administration's new memorandum ``Regulatory Review'':
"We are withdrawing this rule because publication did not follow the
requirements set forth in a January 20, 2009, memorandum signed by the
President's Chief of Staff. That memorandum requires Administration
appointees to review rules prior to publication. This rule did not
receive complete Administration review."
Click here to read Forest Service Federal Register notice